Last Updated, Sep 28, 2020, 6:08 PM
About Us

BBC World News has one primary objective i.e. to connect its users with the latest happenings from around the world. We strive to offer our readers with authentic and latest updates in a variety of fields. We work with various individuals from the industry to bring us news from a wide spectrum, including finance, technology, healthcare, and more. At BBC World News, all our practices are heavily governed with ethical and transparent practices. It takes a great number of resources to compile and gather various news materials from around the world, verify its authenticity, and publish it in a timely manner to keep our readers updated with the latest happenings from around the world. Our team of news reporters and gatherers are professionals with years of experience and exposure in journalism.  We understand that bringing the latest news is of significant importance to our readers, who want to stay tuned with the latest developments in a wide variety of fields, which is why our sources are dispersed in various regions and remain on standby to collect and report the most frequent developments.

We also ensure that our website is updated several times during the day to offer our readers with the most recent developments in every sector. We take pride in distributing and publishing information from various sectors and industries to keep our readers affluent with knowledge from around the globe. At BBC World News, we value time and efficiency and implicate sophisticated practices to keep our readers enriched with the latest news from different parts of the world. We have a team of professional journalists that invest a lot of time and effort to fetch the most recent developments from around the world and place it on our website for your convenience.

Our Mission

Our mission is to compile authentic and genuine news from around the world and make it available to our readers in an efficient manner.

Our Vision

Our vision is to become the leading news reporting portal that has access to different sectors and industries and to become a reliable as well as a trusted agent for reporting news from around the globe.