We’re witnessing a golden age for generic Viagra! And Friday Plans is leading it.
You may have noticed over the last year that a few companies have started offering ED (erectile dysfunction medication online. But after 20+ years of Viagra® being difficult to get and insanely expensive, why is it suddenly possible to get generic Viagra online for cheap? I’ll explain why we’re witnessing that, as well as my pick of the bunch.
The latest company to enter the market is unlike the rest. It’s called Friday Plans, and I think it’s my favorite one by far.
They’re 100% Focused on Generic Viagra®, Which Makes Them Cheaper and Faster
The other guys are massive companies, and they are trying to do everything. They want to offer everything under the sun. Why is that annoying? Because of the constant upselling! I used to have a subscription with two of the other guys, and they were constantly sending me emails, trying to convince me to buy one of their other medications or over-the-counter products! It was incredibly annoying.
Friday Plans is 100% focused on generic Viagra®. That’s all they sell, and they say they have no plans to sell anything else. The obvious benefit is that they don’t try to upsell you. A less obvious benefit is that they are more efficient.
Friday Plans was purpose-built to prescribe generic Viagra® to American men and deliver it in 2 days with free shipping. They’re prescription process is quicker and more streamlined, and their manufacturing and packaging operations are so efficient that they are able to set prices much lower than their competitors. A 100 mg tablet from Friday Plans costs just $1.99. Compare that to $10-34 from the other guys.
Friday Plans is a small startup. They literally built their whole telemedicine platform from scratch, as well as their own doctor network. They built their own automated machines to package their tablets and get them ready for shipping. That means NO MIDDLEMEN. And no middlemen means lower prices! Generic Viagra® is the same no matter where you get it, so the main reason that Friday Plans is my pick for best online ED site is simple: it’s the cheapest (by far)!
However, that’s far from the only reason it’s my favorite…
Getting a Prescription from Friday Plans is Stupid Easy—And FREE!
Friday Plans makes it so easy to get a prescription that I was literally able to complete the whole process during a commercial break on TV. You go take a brief survey on their website, and you’re done! It’s super easy, mostly yes or no questions, and the whole thing takes about 2 minutes.
During the survey, you let them know how many tablets you want per month and what dosage.
When you’re done, a doctor reviews your answers and writes you a prescription. It’s so efficient that Friday Plans are able to offer this service for FREE! A doctor’s visit is likely to cost $50 or more and take at least a couple hours, so this is obviously a tremendous improvement.
Friday Plans sends your prescription electronically to their “central fill pharmacy”, where a bunch of fancy robots dispense and package your generic Viagra® and get it ready for shipping. Your generic Viagra gets delivered in roughly 2 days. Oh, and THE SHIPPING IS FREE TOO!
This Is Too Good to Actually Be Legal, Right?
That was my first thought too, when I first heard about this. The answer is, it only recently became legal for doctors to write prescriptions based on a survey that a patient submitted on the internet. In a handful of states, the law still requires the doctor to call the patient on the phone in addition to reviewing their survey. In the vast majority of states, however, a 2 minute survey is enough!
Treating patients online via telemedicine became mainstream during the COVID-19 pandemic, when doctors offices were too full of sick patients to allow in-person visits for most routine issues. As a result, a lot of states decided to loosen restrictions around telemedicine. And the next thing I knew, I had a prescription for generic Viagra!
If you want one too, take Friday Plans brief survey now! You have nothing to lose, since it’s still free even if the doctor decides that you don’t qualify for a prescription for medical reasons.
Friday Plans Protects All Your Information Under HIPAA
If you’re smart, you worry about your information being bought and sold by every website you visit and every service you use. That’s a sad fact of living in 2021. When it comes to healthcare companies like Friday Plans, however, you can be sure that your privacy is protected. A federal statute called HIPAA guarantees it!
HIPAA protects any and all information “disclosed in the course of care”. That means that your name, address, email address, phone number, etc. are 100% confidential, as are all your answers to the survey questions. Friday Plans doesn’t share your information with any third party except the healthcare professional responsible for issuing your prescription. They are also required to store your information on secure servers and transport your information only over encrypted networks.
What all this means is that you really have nothing to lose by taking the survey! Not even your privacy!
They Founded Their Company to Make Generic Viagra® Cheap and Easy
On their website, Friday Plans says their mission is “to make ED treatment accessible, affordable, and stupid easy.” They point out these facts:
Until now, Viagra® has been a privilege that only rich old men can enjoy regularly. For normal guys, the cost of a prescription and the tablets themselves were too much to justify.
That’s why Friday Plans set up to offer free prescriptions online to anyone who qualifies, with just a free, 2-minute survey.
And that’s why they cut the price of generic Viagra from $10-34 to just $1.99 per tablet.
Trying to Save the Planet With Generic Viagra
Friday Plans plants 1 tree, per member, per month. Obviously, that adds up pretty quickly. Cleaner air is only part of the story. Here’s what they say on their website:
“To maximize our impact, we’ve partnered with Eden Reforestation to plant mangrove trees in Madagascar. Mangrove forests are essential ecosystems. They prevent coastal erosion and create a barrier between harsh ocean systems and fragile inland biomes.
Our aim is to repair the damage done by deforestation, revive natural habitats for endangered animal species, create jobs for people living in impoverished communities, and help to make the air just a little bit cleaner.”
In Summary, Why I Pick Friday Plans: