Last Updated, Sep 28, 2020, 6:11 PM
Terms and Condition

Terms and Conditions

Please read our terms and conditions carefully, before proceeding on our website. By using our website, you agree to abide by our terms and conditions and accept them in entirety. In case of a disagreement or a breach of terms, BBC Word News has the right to terminate its services to you and report to any concerned authorities for legal and financial penalties.

Quick Review

  • Introduction
  • Copyright ownership
  • Reservation of rights
  • Third-party services
  • Fair usage policy


BBC World News is an independent platform that is accessed by people around the world for obtaining latest news and news archives for informational purposes.

Copyright ownership

Any content on BBW World News is owned and managed by the website itself. Any attempts to duplicate, copy, or unconsented distribution of our content may lead to legal and financial repercussions. Any attempts to misuse the content on this website may result in termination of services as well as attract other consequences.

Reservation of rights

BBW World News owns the right of change or amends any clause and terms that govern this website. Users are asked to regularly visit the terms and conditions page to stay update with the latest conditions.

Third-party services

BBW World News may advertise third-party content on its website. However, any content displayed on the advertisements is the sole responsibility of the advertiser, without any legal or financial responsibility of BBW World News.

Fair usage policy

All our users are required to practice fair usage in using the website. The purpose of the website is to relay latest information and news on different areas, from around the world. Any attempts to hack the website or other cybercrime will result in severe legal repercussions along with termination of services.